Should Japanese marry in youth?

Please read my essay here!

            Isn't there a person who got married in the youth around you? Here,Youth means from 16 to 24 years old. People from parents generation may say "it's early!", but your grandparents probably answer "it's general." Today, I recommend marriage in a young time to defend the Japanese future.
            The first reason is a low birthrate in Japan. While pregnancy-bearing age ,when women get a baby easily, is said to be 30 years old, men's marriage average age of this year is 31 years old and women's one is 29 years old (by These numbers are increased by 5 years old from ones of 1970's. This is a symbol of female social advancement, but if he or she doesn't get married early, their children would be few or zero.
             The second reason is that marriage in young age will convenient for you. It's because you feel relatively ease of money. When you are in the prime of your life, your children will face entrance exam of college or go on to the next stage of education. If you bear a child older than this, you wouldn't relax since you, sometimes after retirement age, should gain money or time for your children to get independent.
             Someone may say "I won't marry in youth!" because he or she will often miss the chance to play in order to get priority to their family. One of solution is that you ask your parents to look after your children when you want spend your own time. Some freedom will be disappeared, but it doesn't mean that you will be restricted perfectly, so the more you think your whole time the more you can make free time for you.
             In conclusion, young Japanese should get married. If doing that, we can show your children early and it may be the best care of your parents. You can develop not only your body but your mental as an adult. Let's survive our country.

